February 2 - Session 1: Joshua 1-2
February 16 - Session 2: Joshua 3
March 2 - Session 3: Joshua 4 - 5
March 16 - Session 4: Joshua 6
March 30 - Church Potluck at 12 PM
April 13 - Session 5: Joshua 7 - 8
April 27 - Session 6: Joshua 9 - 10:15
May 4 - Session 7: Joshua 10:16 - 23:16
May 18 - Session 8: Joshua 24
Blandon Small Group, 6-8 PM
Led by Ben Bailey and Scott Kreider
Contact: pastorben@gbchm.org
Orwigsburg Small Group, 6-8 PM
Led by Brian Blatt and Steve Freeman
Contact: bblatt427@gmail.com
Auburn Small Group, 6:00-8PM
Led by Gary Billman and Stan Bennett
Contact: gpbillman@gmail.com
Tamaqua Small Group, 6-8 PM
Ledy by Dave Koch and Keith Koch
Contact: kochkeith@hotmail.com
Schuylkill Haven Small Group, 5:30-7:30 PM
Led by Tom Bambrick and Daniel Sickinger
Contact: tbambrick.gbc@gmail.com